UPDATED. 2025.03.29(토)

Syscall Successfully Concludes Participation in Exhibitions Held in Poland and France

황성수 CP

2024-12-05 14:42:00

Recently, Syscall participated in significant exhibitions held in Warsaw, Poland, and Paris, France, enhancing brand recognition in local markets while showcasing innovative products.

The 'GARSTRO QUICK SERVICE' exhibition, the largest F&B trade show in the Middle East and Europe, was held in Warsaw, Poland. It attracted visitors from Poland and various countries, including Italy, Greece, Hungary, and the Czech Republic.

Notably, the exhibition drew many visitors, even from countries where Syscall has yet to establish a presence, such as Latvia and Lithuania, generating substantial interest. At this exhibition, which attracted approximately 10,000 visitors per day, Syscall debuted a localized Polish version of the DOT monitor and arranged for attendees to experience the ST-A1 product directly, receiving enthusiastic responses from visitors.

Additionally, Syscall showcased an overseas version of its self-manufactured emergency call button software, completing live demonstrations on-site. Syscall achieved a significant milestone by receiving first place in the F&B category from the Polish government and a prize of approximately USD 2,500, thereby greatly enhancing the brand's status and recognition within Poland.

Syscall Successfully Concludes Participation in Exhibitions Held in Poland and France
Concurrently, at the 'SALON DE LA STREET FOOD HALAL 2024' exhibition held in Paris, France, Syscall showcased various halal food products, attracting significant attention. Participating companies seeking to expand their halal food businesses in response to the growing Muslim population, Syscall unveiled the 'Guest Pager,' 'Smart Pager,' and 'DOT Monitor,' garnering substantial interest. In particular, the DOT monitor was localized with French language integration, receiving strong positive responses from buyers.

At the exhibitions, Syscall introduced an innovative call button system to reduce customer wait times and improve service efficiency within the street food industry. In particular, Syscall effectively enhanced its promotional impact by collaborating with SPLASH to exhibit the SGP-100R_20C model.

Syscall Successfully Concludes Participation in Exhibitions Held in Poland and France
A Syscall representative stated, "We are continuously increasing brand recognition across various European markets, including Poland and France. As a key hub in Central Europe, Poland presents a favorable market for expanding Syscall's products, supported by its large population and robust economic growth. Our company plans to actively pursue market penetration by continuously developing solutions in the F&B sector, aiming to expand our sales in both Eastern and Western European markets."

황성수 글로벌에픽 기자 hss@globalepic.co.kr
<저작권자 ©GLOBALEPIC 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>


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